
mysql optimization for a large database

i'm creating a ecommerce web applicaiton using PHP and MYSQL(MYISAM). i want to know how to speed up my queries

I have a products table with over a million records with following columns: id (int, primary) catid(int) usrid (int) title (int) description (int) status (enum) date(datetime)

recently i split this one table into multiple tables based on the product categories(catid). thinking that it might reduce the load on the server.

Now i need to fetch results from these tables combined with following sets of conditions 1. results matching a usrid and status. (to fetch a users products) 2 results matching status and title or description (eg: for product search)

now currently i have to use UNION to fetch results from these all tables combined which is slowing down the permormance also i can't开发者_运维知识库 apply the LIMIT to the combined result set also. I thought of creating an index on all these columns to speed up the searching but this might slow down the INSERTS and UPDATES. also i'm begingin to think that splitting the table was not a good idea in the first place.

i would like to know the best approach to optimize the data retrieval in such a situation. I'm open to new database schema proposals as well.

To start: load test and turn on the MySQL slow query log.

Some other suggestions:

If staying with separate tables per category use UNION ALL instead of UNION. Reason being UNION implies distinctness, which makes the database engine do extra work to dedupe the rows unnecessarily.

Indices do add a write penalty, but what you describe probably has a read-write ratio of at least 10 to 1 and probably more like 1000 to 1 or higher. So index. For the two queries you describe, I would probably create three indices (you'll need to study explain plans to determine what column order is better).

  1. usrid and status
  2. status and title
  3. status and description (is this an indexable field?)

Another note on indices, creating a covering index, that is one that has all your columns, can also be a useful solution if one of your frequent access patterns is retrieval by primary key.

Have you considered using memcached? It caches the resultset from database queries on the server and returns them if they are requested by multiple users. If it doesn't find a cache resultset, only then will it query the database. It should alleviate the load on the database significantly.






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