
How do you "start over" with a subversion repo?

I don't know what I did, but I cannot commit my project to Google Code anymore. I get the following error:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Directory '/Users/jeff/Desktop/svn_repos/project/mac/myapp.app/.svn' containing working copy admin area is missing

Then I try:

svn add mac/myapp.开发者_如何学JAVAapp
svn: warning: 'mac/myapp.app' is already under version control

Something is screwed up... How can I reset my subversion for all the files, then re add them to svn?

Thank you.

Edit: Also, for the future, how do you replace a .app file and keep it under subversion version control?

It's actually not too hard:

  1. Do a fresh checkout of the code into a new directory.
  2. Use a merge tool to merge your specific changes - not the .svn directories - from your old working directory into the new one.
  3. Commit from the new directory.

From then on, you should be able to commit, update, whatever from your new working directory. Once you're confident that you have the changes, blow away the old directory at your convenience.

I would save the file with the edits, delete the directory with the corrupt .svn dir and update the working copy from the base dir. This should restore it to a usable state, then you can replace the working copy version of your .app file with the one with your latest changes.

If the files have the same name, that should not have any problems. If you want to rename use svn rename.





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