
JavaScript code editor [closed]

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I need to get JavaScript HTML/CSS/JavaScript code editor plugin (I prefer jQuery plugins) for my CMS. I don't need WYSIWYG editor. I need editor where you can see HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I was just thinking if there was any plugin for this, because implementing my own would be very hard work.

Both markItUp and CodeMirror may suit you.

markitup is a great jQuery based markup editor with html support.

Two options that i have seen/used are CuteEditor (paid solution) and FCKEditor (free solution, or it was free at the time i saw it). We went with cute editor int he end because the feature set was far more robust and they offer better support.

FCKeditor - ckeditor(dot)com/

CuteEditor - http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET%2BWYSIWYG%2BEditor/





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