
Does the MVP framework included in GWT 2.1 make other GWT MVP frameworks redundant?

GWT 2.1 includes an MVP framework which includes an implementation of the PlaceService outlin开发者_如何学JAVAed by Google's Ray Ryan at Google I/O 2009.

That talk inspired some MVP frameworks like

  • GWT-presenter
  • GWT-Platform (GWTP)
  • MVP4G

Does GWT 2.1 make using these additional frameworks redundant?

Yes, there is overlap, and perhaps those other frameworks will become unnecessary down the road. But, from a practical perspective, to date there don't seem to be too many solid examples that use the new 2.1 features. On my current project we spent a little time evaluating the 2.1 MVP constructs and settled on using the GWT-presenter framework because we were able to make progress a lot faster using examples such as the Hupa mail client.

Unfortunately, all of these frameworks seem to lack solid documentation. They all seem to give you a trivial Hello World example, without showing you the essential details necessary to do anything more than a trivial example. The only way to learn is to dig through code.

I'm currently working on a small website written in GWT using Sring(For Security and Dependency injection) at the backend and GIN at the frontend.

When I migrated to GWT 2.1 I took 1 day to change from my old MVP framework to the integrated one. The example I took as a reference was the one at the GWT website.

Of course it takes you some time to switch, however it results in smaller, cleaner code than with other solutions I've seen





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