
XPATH problem with dom4j

I am using dom4j to overwrite a value in the XML. The XML looks like this:

    <name color="blue" time="555555">
        <element1 param="1">

    <name color="blue" time="888888">
        <element2 param="1">

I am trying to semect nodes by:

List list= document.selectNodes("//element1[@timetime='555555']" );

but the list returns null. I wanted to change all the 3 values where time="555555".

Isn't there a way to directly go to that node.

please help.

to select the three values, use:


If that returns null as well, there may be a default namespace involved and that means you need to show your entire XML.

XPath is flexible, if you want you can express the same like this:


The XPath that you are using is looking for a time attribute equal to 555555 on element1. However, your time attributes are on the name nodes.

You could go either the way Tomalak suggested, or change it to:


This is looking for an element1 node with a parent who has a time attribute equal to 555555.





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