
Initialize constant pointer to array in same struct

typedef struct {
    char a[100];
    char const *secondHalfOfA;
//Can i set开发者_开发技巧 { secondHalfOfA = a[49]; } somehow?

Sure you can.

typedef struct {
    char a[100];
    char const *const secondHalfOfA;
} toto;
#define TOTO_INITIALIZER(NAME) { .secondHalfOfA = &((NAME).a[49]) }

static toto A = TOTO_INITIALIZER(A);

Using initializers like that consistently has the extra plus that it initializes your array with all 0, too.

This is for C99 with designated initializers. If you only have historical C you could do something like

#define TOTO_INITIALIZER(NAME) { { 0 }, &((NAME).a[49]) }

Edit: Seeing your comment on another answer, I suppose that you had the const in your type on the wrong side. But real C initialization works very well for that case, too.

You cannot automatically initialize a pointer to the middle of an object.

You can, however, pretend to have overlapping objects. It's not pretty though :-)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

struct twoparts {
  union {
    char a[20];
    struct {
      char dummy[10];
      char b[10];
    } s;
  } u;

int main(void) {
  struct twoparts x;
  strcpy(x.u.a, "1234567890123456789");
  printf("second part: %s\n", x.u.s.b);
  return 0;

No. You can't do that in a typedef. Remember: with typedef keyword you are defining data types, not variables.

In C++ you can do that in the default constructor. But in C, there is no way to do that.

Is Pablo said, you can't do that with an initializer. You can do it easily enough after initialization, but it has to be every time:

// Definition (once)
typedef struct {
    char a[100];
    char const *secondHalfOfA;

// Use (each time)
t.secondHalfOfA = &t.a[49];

// Or
pt = malloc(sizeof(*pt));
pt->secondHalfOfA = &pt->a[49];

It's for reasons like this that we have object oriented languages like C++ (and Java and ...) and their associated constructors, so that we can create structures with custom initializations reliably.

Demonstration program:

#include <stdio.h>

// Definition (once)
typedef struct {
    char a[100];
    char const *secondHalfOfA;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Use of the type (need to initialize it each time)
    t.secondHalfOfA = &t.a[49];

    // Example actual use of the array
    t.a[49] = 'A';
    printf("%c\n", *t.secondHalfOfA); // Prints A

    // Uncommenting the below causes a compiler error:
    // "error: assignment of read-only location ‘*t.secondHalfOfA’"
    // (That's gcc's wording; your compiler will say something similar)
    //*t.secondHalfOfA = 'B';
    //printf("%c\n", *t.secondHalfOfA);

    return 0;

Compilation and output using gcc:

$ gcc -Wall temp.c
$ ./a.out




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