c# easiest way to extract substring
i have a string:
string somestring = "\\\\Tecan1\\tecan #1 开发者_StackOverflow中文版output\\15939-E.ESY"
i need to extract 15939
it will always be a 5 digit number, always preceeded by '\' and it will always "-" after it
String result = Path.GetFileName("\\\\Tecan1\\tecan #1 output\\15939-E.ESY").Split('-')[0];
This regex does the trick for the input string you provided:
var input = "\\\\Tecan1\\tecan #1 output\\15939-E.ESY";
var pattern = @".*\\(\d{5})-";
var result = Regex.Match(input, pattern).Groups[1].Value;
But I actually like Brad's solution using Path.GetFileName more :-)
Try (based on your answer in the comments about the \
string result = myString.SubString(myString.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1, 5);