Execute an AJAX call on unload function
I have to execute a code when the user try to leave is just a simple call to the server informing that have to delete a file, it doesn't make any response but the system don't call.
window.key = document.getElememtsByTagName('body')[0].getAttribute('key');
catcher('clearBt');//The catcher makes the AJAX call like i show below.
//This is the call to the server.
phone.open(method, address, true);
phone.setRequestHeader("Content-type", 'applicati开发者_StackOverflowon/x-www-form-urlencoded');
I've try with onbeforeunload to but the result was the same...
Great, i had the same problem with the Magento Checkout. I solved this way
var responseCancel= jQuery.ajax({
url:'<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl() . 'checkout/onepage/callWsCancelOrder'; ?>',
cache: false,
async: false
Thank you
AJAX is asynchronous by default and will end with the document unload. Try running it as a synchronous call instead.
You have to change this to
phone.open(method, address, false /*synchronous*/);
and the page should wait for the request to finish.