
Component builder for Joomla? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

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I'm trying to find a开发者_Go百科 component builder for Joomla and I just found Marco's Component Maker, I'm wondering another one exist or not. I need some help, if anyone get help me that I'm very grateful.

There are:

  • Joomla Component Generator
  • joomla-component-creator
  • component creator
  • joomla component maker
  • imaker
  • Component Builder
  • JCCreator

You can build basic component from this website


Artisteer does not create or help create components, it makes templates. You may also want to check out Nooku, it's a complete development framework.

Personally, i use Cook Self Service

It's the best so far !!! Easy to use, lot of functionalities, clean code, stand-olone... I tried my first component after watching the video and I was fired up !! After 1 hour learning how it is working, i built my first component to magage theater reservations, and it works like a charm.

I just try now to push the program out of its limits, but it's really amazing !!!

You can build joomla component with table record edit/create/delete options + basic views

it is free of cost, you can create

  • unlimited tables
  • unlimited views
  • no time limit for component hosting,
  • with 'easy install' plugin you can directly updated changes in your installed component without downloading and installing. (just install your created component into your site once) all other changes can move directly to site with just one click
  • You can use joomla inbuilt field, and preview of field is there

Component builder for Joomla? [closed]

Component builder for Joomla? [closed]


Component builder for Joomla? [closed]

I developed a component that you can install on your own Joomla website and build as many components as you like, with life time updates from github for free.

Check it out at the following URL

  • https://github.com/vdm-io/Joomla-Component-Builder
  • https://www.vdm.io/joomla-component-builder
  • http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/component-builder

Have fun!!!

You can also use alphaplug.com for creating components for Joomla.This is free of cost and doesn't need registration.Here's the link. http://www.alphaplug.com/index.php/products/mvc-generator-online.html

You can download extension com_jacc (just another component creator) and install it in your joomla. Its very simple and powerful, just create tables in database and you are ready to go.

You can use the best application: Aristeer (http://www.artisteer.com/).

The problem is the price. You can download the demo....





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