
add subview loaded from a nib into a frame

I want to add a view from a nib file as a subview of my main view at the click of a button, but it has to be in a frame (0,108,320,351). I've tried the fo开发者_Python百科llowing code:

-(IBAction) displayJoinmeetup:(id)sender  
  [meetups removeFromSuperview]; //removing the older view   
  CGRect myFrame = CGRectMake(0, 108,320,351);  
  [joinmeetup initWithFrame:myFrame];  //joinmeetup declared in header file as IBoutlet UIView*joinmeetup     
  [self.view addSubview:joinmeetup];    

This displays only a blank screen, otherwise if I remove the frame the subview displays covering the whole screen, how can I properly do this?

You should never call init... on an object after it has been created. If you can change a setting, there will be a setter for it. In this case, it is setFrame:

-(IBAction) displayJoinmeetup:(id)sender {  
    [meetups removeFromSuperview]; //removing the older view   
    CGRect myFrame = CGRectMake(0, 108,320,351);  
    [joinmeetup setFrame:myFrame];  //joinmeetup declared in header file as IBoutlet UIView*joinmeetup     
    [self.view addSubview:joinmeetup];    

initWithFrame is not called for a view loaded from nib. See the UIView class ref for details. You need to set the view size properties in interface builder (inspector).

You can try thi as follow:

-(IBAction) displayJoinmeetup:(id)sender
[meetups removeFromSuperview]; //removing the older view
//also here you should release the meetups, if it is allocated
meetups = nil;

UIView *tempView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 108,320,351)];
joinmeetup = tempView;
[tempView release];
[self.view addSubview:joinmeetup];


I suggest you try this:

[joinmeetup setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 108,320,351)];
[self.view addSubview:joinmeetup];




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