
change link text in HTML using JavaScript

I have an html page which has a link called "open". Once the link is clicked the text "open" sho开发者_StackOverflow社区uld change to "close". How do I do this?


    <script type="text/javascript">
      function open_fun() {
        document.getElementById('link').innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:clo_fun()'>CLOSE</a>";
      function clo_fun() {
        document.getElementById('link').innerHTML = "<a href='javascript:open_fun()'>OPEN</a>";
    <div id='link'><a href='javascript:open_fun()'>OPEN</a></div>

<a href="" onClick="this.innerHTML = 'close'">Open</a>

You could also call some type of toggle function for swapping the text on multiple clicks.

function toggle(lnk_obj){
    lnk_obj.innerHTML = (lnk_obj.innerHTML == 'close') ? 'open' : 'close' ;

<a href="" onClick="javascript:toggle(this);">Open</a>

addEventListener is not supported in IE. If you don't need other onclick events on the link, use this:

elm.onclick = function (e) {
    this.innerHTML = "close";

If elm is the link:

elm.addEventListener("click", function(){
  this.innerHTML = "close";
}, true);

Say you have link:

<a id="link" href="https://www.example.com" onclick=change(event)>open</a>

Then you can use the following javascript code

const change = (event) => {
  const link = document.getElementById("link");
  link.text = link.text === 'open' ? 'close' : 'open';

So to change label value you can simply use the text property of the element:

link.text = 'closed'; // now the text on the href will be 'closed'

I will add a a fiddle to demonstrate the workings of this simple code.

Also check documentation here on MDN for the text property on an HtmlAnchorElement:

Is a DOMString being a synonym for the Node.textContent property.

So instead of changing the text node you can set this text property directly. This is merely a simple code example for demonstrating the working. You could for example also grab the anchor element from the event...

Note: Setting innerHTML (advised in other answers) is not considered safe since it can be used for injecting malicious code into the DOM.





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