
Coverage map with Drupal, GMap and Location

I'm using the GMaps, Lo开发者_运维技巧cation and User locations module on my Drupal site. I would like to have a map which can display the "coverage" of my users. The coverage radius is stored in a custom content type with reference to the user.

How is it possible to display users with only their coverage circle on a map? I saw a display type like this when playing with the GMap macros, so I think it would be possible to use GMaps that way.

I suppose most likely this isn't supported out-of-the-box with the GMap module. Anyway, I would be really glad if anybody could point me into the right direction...

I've managed to do this after all with the help of the Hungarian community. (I would be happy to link the original thread, but it seems it got deleted.)

Basically the "trick" was to make a little custom module with a hook:

function MODULENAME_preprocess_gmap_view_gmap(&$vars) {
  if ( $vars['view']->name == "my_gmap_view" ) {
    $map_object = $vars['map_object'];
    $map_object['id'] = 'my_view_id';
    foreach ($vars['view']->result as $key => $row) {
      $shapes[$key]['type'] = 'circle';

      // we have a profile field for the radius, but it could be anything...
      $shapes[$key]['radius'] = $row->profile_values_profile_radius_value;

      // center the circles on the coord
      $shapes[$key]['center'][0] = $row->location_latitude;
      $shapes[$key]['center'][1]= $row->location_longitude;

    // we don't need any markers, just the circles
    $map_object['markers'] = NULL;
    $map_object['shapes'] = $shapes;
    $vars['map'] = theme('gmap', array('#settings' => $map_object));




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