
Back button with ajax and iframe

Here is a situation. We have a search feature which uses ajax so that search results can be updated when user changes one of the search filters. The search results page also has 3 ad units that are using iframes. We are using iframes so that when usees use pagination to go different pages or update search results using search filters, the ads can be refreshed. Now the problem is if user uses pagination to go to different pages and then try to use browser back button, it does not work properly because when you change iframe source, browser add this in history

I would apprecaite any help on how to solve this issue开发者_StackOverflow.

You may want to consider loading ads dynamically (i.e. AJAX), instead of using iframes. So, you would simply use a <div> to display the ad (loaded with AJAX) instead of an <iframe>.

Mayby try location.replace("http://yourPage...") to replace the browsers last history entry after iFrame load?





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