send dynamically created input values to PHP using get request
i have a form. i'm allowing the user to add extra inputs by pressing a button:
$('<input />').attr({'type':'text', 'id':'response_input_' + next_add_id}).appendTo('#multi_responses');
and my form is being submitted like this:
$("#add_form").bind('submit', function(event){
$.get('file.php', {poll_type_select: $("#poll_type_select option:selected").val(), question_input:开发者_如何学JAVA escape($("#question_input").val()), type: "add_poll", user_id:user_id}, function(data) {
how do i add those dynamically created input values into the get request? i guess some people use name arrays for post, but can i do something similar? also i think i will have to escape() all the inputs before sending them to prevent errors when adding to the database.
one option i was thinking was to send a single value, a delimited string created using something like:
$("#multi_responses input").each(string+=escape($(this).val())+"delimiter");
but i don't know if that's the best way. and if i do that, what is a typical delimiter to use?
That's right, you just have to give those inputs a name
attribute, like:
$('<input />').attr({'type':'text', 'id':'response_input_' + next_add_id, 'name': 'response_input[' + next_add_id + ']'}).appendTo('#multi_responses');