
Using a facebook page as a content management system?


So I am making a website for a friend who wants to be able to make posts onto his facebook page, have these posts (only by him. and preferably their assorted comments) be pulled in on his website.


I haven't done any work with facebook's api before, and I'd most likely be writing this in PHP (maybe wordpress?) but I am open to other languages / frameworks depending on what is appropriate.

possibly too heavy for your requirements, but check out the (free) Community edition of the Liferay portal server and the facebook portlet in particular. I'm not saying it is what you want, but if it supports your requirements out of the box with no coding and a little configuration it may be worth a look.

You might be interested in using Drupal with the Drupal Facebook module: http://drupal.org/project/fb It takes a lot of pain out of dealing with the fp apis, and you can quickly and easily build a site that has a Facebook application aspect to it. You can also write custom modules for Drupal Facebook to extend it into areas of the FB api that it does't utilize.





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