Make a set of Flex components a unit
I'd like to make a series of components into a solid, consistently repeatable object.
For example, suppose I have a "notification" template that I want to add to a notifications area every time something new happens. This template includes an icon (Image), text (label), and some space between these two things.
I want to take a template like that and make it so I can invoke开发者_如何学编程 it with a function like add_notification("icon", "text"). How would I go about doing that?
Thanks in advance.
Create a mxml file for your component, e.g. MyComponent.mxml. Now you can do
var myComponent = new MyComponent()
and add that component to your notifications area.
To set the label text you could have this in MyComponent.mxml
public var label:String;
<mx:Label text="{label}" />
and set the label with
myComponent.label = "something";
or you could drop the bindable variable and go with
myComponent.labelid.text = "something"
after giving your mx:Label an id attribute