Using boost::numeric_cast<>
When I want to convert between different integer types, it seems the best syntax is to use boost::numeric_cast<>()
int y = 99999;
short x = boost::numeric_cast<short>(y); // will throw an exception if y is too large
I have never used that; however the syntax is pretty straightforward, so all is well.
Now suppose I want to do something a bit more advanced: instead of throwing an exception, I'd like it to return the min or max of the target type (saturation). I couldn't figure out a way to express that, but the documentation suggests that it is possible (probably using RawConverter
policy). All I could come up with is the following ugly:
short x = numeric_cast<short>(max(min(y, SHORT_MAX), SHORT_MIN);
So how can I express "saturating cast" using boost开发者_如何学Python's numeric_cast
You could probably do something like this:
#include <limits>
template<typename Target, typename Source>
Target saturation_cast(Source src) {
try {
return boost::numeric_cast<Target>(src);
catch (const boost::negative_overflow &e) {
return std::numeric_limits<Target>::lowest();
/* Or, before C++11:
if (std::numeric_limits<Target>::is_integer)
return std::numeric_limits<Target>::min();
return -std::numeric_limits<Target>::max();
catch (const boost::positive_overflow &e) {
return std::numeric_limits<Target>::max();
(For types that support it the error cases could also return -inf/+inf).
This way you let Boost's numeric_cast
determine if the value is out of bounds and can then react accordingly.
Hm... If the above works, a general solution would probably be to make something like:
template<typename TypeFrom, typename TypeTo>
TypeTo saturated_cast(TypeFrom value) {
TypeTo valueMin = std::numeric_limits<TypeTo>::min();
TypeTo valueMax = std::numeric_limits<TypeTo>::max();
return boost::numeric_cast<TypeTo>( std::max(std::min(value,valueMax),valueMin) );
Hope I got it right... Anyway, you've got the concept :)
.... BTW: I think you could use static_cast
here instead because after performing the limitation you cannot overflow the range any more, so you don't need additional checking of numeric_cast
If you're okay with C++17 but don't want your casting algorithm throwing exceptions internally, you can use std::clamp
with a bit of wrapping to handle out-of-bounds values.
template <typename TTo, typename TFrom>
constexpr TTo clamp_cast(const TFrom& src) noexcept
using to_limits = std::numeric_limits<TTo>;
using larger_type = std::conditional_t<(sizeof(TFrom) < sizeof(TTo)), TTo, TFrom>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<TTo, TFrom>)
// don't bother if it is the same type
return src;
else if constexpr (std::is_unsigned_v<TFrom>)
// if source is unsigned, we only need to worry about upper bound
return TTo(std::min(larger_type(src), larger_type(to_limits::max())));
else if constexpr (std::is_unsigned_v<TTo>)
// source is signed, but destination is not
if (src < TFrom(0))
return TTo(0);
return TTo(std::min(larger_type(src), larger_type(to_limits::max())));
// both are signed -- use regular clamping rules
return TTo(std::clamp(larger_type(src),
Usage is basically what you'd expect:
static_assert(uint16_t(213) == clamp_cast<uint16_t>(213));
static_assert(uint16_t(65535) == clamp_cast<uint16_t>(9872431));
static_assert(uint16_t(0) == clamp_cast<uint16_t>(-98721));