
How do I conditionally throw an exception in a concise way?

I need to throw an exception if a statement returns false and am trying to come up with a simple, concise way to do it. Any ideas? I wanted to do the following...

  // ...
  oci_execute( $stmt ) or throw new OracleException( $stmt );
  // ...

... but the PHP interpreter won't let me do it (syntax error) because 'throw' is a language construct.

Any ideas? I would like a very short one liner (no 开发者_开发技巧if statements please)

  // ...
  if (!oci_execute( $stmt )) throw new OracleException( $stmt );
  // ...

is everything that comes my mind. But I've used PHP for not too long. Now I've discovered Perl which is a great thing and you can use the construct you suggest and many more. Always worth a try!

You can't. However, I have never actually had that particular need that you're describing, which leads me to suspect that you are doing something a bit strange. Or at least un-idiomatic. The presence of a procedural function (oci_execute) seems to support that.

I don't have any experience with Oracle from php, but could you use the pdo-bindings instead? That will give you a more object oriented interface to work with.


if !oci_execute($stmt) { throw new OracleException($stmt); }






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