How to convert a string to a stream of bits in java
How to convert a string to a stream of bits zeroes and ones what i did i take a string then convert it to an array of char then i used method called forDigit(char,int) ,but it does not give me the character as a stream of 0 and 1 could you help please. also how could i do the reverse from bit to a char. pleaes show me a sa开发者_StackOverflowmple
Its easiest if you take two steps. String supports converting from String to/from byte[] and BigInteger can convert byte[] into binary text and back.
String text = "Hello World!";
System.out.println("Text: "+text);
String binary = new BigInteger(text.getBytes()).toString(2);
System.out.println("As binary: "+binary);
String text2 = new String(new BigInteger(binary, 2).toByteArray());
System.out.println("As text: "+text2);
Text: Hello World!
As binary: 10010000110010101101100011011000110111100100000010101110110111101110010011011000110010000100001
As text: Hello World!
I tried this one ..
public String toBinaryString(String s) {
char[] cArray=s.toCharArray();
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
for(char c:cArray)
String cBinaryString=Integer.toBinaryString((int)c);
return sb.toString();
String strToConvert = "abc";
byte [] bytes = strToConvert.getBytes();
StringBuilder bits = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 8);
System.err.println(strToConvert + " contains " + bytes.length +" number of bytes");
for(byte b:bytes) {
bits.append(Integer.toString(b, 2));
char [] chars = new char[bits.length()];
bits.getChars(0, bits.length(), chars, chars.length);