
SQL duration time calculation

I have a table of historic bus positions at a given time, recorded once per second. The schema looks like this:

BusID        int         not null,
BreadcrumbID int开发者_Go百科         not null identity (1, 1),
BusStopID    int         null,
Timestamp    datetime    not null

I want to generate a bus stop schedule based on historic trips. A bus is "at a stop" if its BusStopID corresponds to the stop, and is not "at a stop" if the BusStopID is null.

I need to generate the average times the bus is at each stop. So basically, I need to do the following:

  • Identify the times that a bus is at a stop -- a simple where clause does the trick
  • Identify the average times the bus is at a stop. For my purposes, I'm defining a discrete "stop time" as a window of plus/minus 10 minutes; if a bus stops one day from 10:04 - 10:08, another day at 10:06 - 10:08, and a third day at 10:14 - 10:18, those would be the same stop, but if it stops at 10:45 - 10:48, that would be a different stop occurrence.
  • Filter out "noise" -- i.e. stops times that only happened a few times but never again

I'm completely at a loss as to how to accomplish the second and third bullet. Please help!

On a number of occasions I've done something similar. Essentially, grouping based on separations within a complex ordering. The basics of the approach I use, with regards to this problem, are as follows:

  1. Build a table of all time ranges of interest.
  2. Find the starting time for each group of time ranges of interest.
  3. Find the ending time for each group of time ranges of interest.
  4. Join the starting and ending times to the list of time ranges, and group.

Or, in more detail: (each of these steps could be a part of one big CTE, but I've broken it down into temp tables for ease of reading...)

Step 1: Find the list of all time ranges of interest (I used a method similar to the one linked to by @Brad). NOTE: as @Manfred Sorg pointed out, this assumes there are no "missing seconds" in a bus's data. If there is a break in the timestamps, this code will interpret the single range as two (or more) distinct ranges.

;with stopSeconds as (
  select BusID, BusStopID, TimeStamp,
         [date] = cast(datediff(dd,0,TimeStamp) as datetime),
         [grp] = dateadd(ss, -row_number() over(partition by BusID order by TimeStamp), TimeStamp)
  from #test
  where BusStopID is not null
select BusID, BusStopID, date,
       [sTime] = dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,date,min(TimeStamp)), 0),
       [eTime] = dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,date,max(TimeStamp)), 0),
       [secondsOfStop] = datediff(ss, min(TimeStamp), max(Timestamp)),
       [sOrd] = row_number() over(partition by BusID, BusStopID order by datediff(ss,date,min(TimeStamp))),
       [eOrd] = row_number() over(partition by BusID, BusStopID order by datediff(ss,date,max(TimeStamp)))
into #ranges
from stopSeconds
group by BusID, BusStopID, date, grp

Step 2: Find the earliest time for each stop

select this.BusID, this.BusStopID, this.sTime minSTime,
       [stopOrder] = row_number() over(partition by this.BusID, this.BusStopID order by this.sTime)
into #starts
from #ranges this
  left join #ranges prev on this.BusID = prev.BusID
                        and this.BusStopID = prev.BusStopID
                        and this.sOrd = prev.sOrd+1
                        and this.sTime between dateadd(mi,-10,prev.sTime) and dateadd(mi,10,prev.sTime)
where prev.BusID is null

Step 3: Find the latest time for each stop

select this.BusID, this.BusStopID, this.eTime maxETime,
       [stopOrder] = row_number() over(partition by this.BusID, this.BusStopID order by this.eTime)
into #ends
from #ranges this
  left join #ranges next on this.BusID = next.BusID
                        and this.BusStopID = next.BusStopID
                        and this.eOrd = next.eOrd-1
                        and this.eTime between dateadd(mi,-10,next.eTime) and dateadd(mi,10,next.eTime)
where next.BusID is null

Step 4: Join everything together

select r.BusID, r.BusStopID,
       [avgLengthOfStop] = avg(datediff(ss,r.sTime,r.eTime)),
       [earliestStop] = min(r.sTime),
       [latestDepart] = max(r.eTime)
from #starts s
  join #ends e on s.BusID=e.BusID
              and s.BusStopID=e.BusStopID
              and s.stopOrder=e.stopOrder
  join #ranges r on r.BusID=s.BusID
                and r.BusStopID=s.BusStopID
                and r.sTime between s.minSTime and e.maxETime
                and r.eTime between s.minSTime and e.maxETime
group by r.BusID, r.BusStopID, s.stopOrder
having count(distinct r.date) > 1 --filters out the "noise"

Finally, to be complete, tidy up:

drop table #ends
drop table #starts
drop table #ranges

This post I just saw may help you. (Sql Server Central)

Fresh answer...

Try this out:

DECLARE @stopWindowMinutes INT
SET @stopWindowMinutes = 10

WITH    test_data
          AS ( SELECT   1 [BusStopId]
                       ,'2010-01-01 10:00:04' 1674995515
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-01 10:00:05'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-01 10:00:06'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-01 10:00:07'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-01 10:00:08'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:00:06'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:00:07'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:00:08'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:06'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:07'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:08'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:09'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:10'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:09'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:10'
               UNION SELECT   2,'2010-01-01 10:00:11'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:33:43'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:33:44'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:33:45'
               UNION SELECT   1,'2010-01-02 10:33:46'
    FROM    ( SELECT    [a].[BusStopId]
                       ,( SELECT    MIN([b].1674995515)
                          FROM      [test_data] b
                          WHERE     [a].[BusStopId] = [b].[BusStopId]
                                    AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [a].1674995515, 120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [b].1674995515, 120)
                                    AND [b].1674995515 BETWEEN DATEADD(SECOND, -@stopWindowMinutes * 60,
                                                        AND     DATEADD(SECOND, @stopWindowMinutes * 60, [a].1674995515) -- w/i X minutes

                        ) [MinStop]
                       ,( SELECT    MAX([b].1674995515)
                          FROM      [test_data] b
                          WHERE     [a].[BusStopId] = [b].[BusStopId]
                                    AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [a].1674995515, 120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [b].1674995515, 120)
                                    AND [b].1674995515 BETWEEN DATEADD(SECOND, -@stopWindowMinutes * 60,
                                                        AND     DATEADD(SECOND, @stopWindowMinutes * 60, [a].1674995515) -- w/i X minutes

                        ) [MaxStop]
                       ,( SELECT    DATEADD(second,
                                            AVG(DATEDIFF(second, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [b].1674995515, 120),
                                            CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), MIN([b].1674995515), 120))
                          FROM      [test_data] b
                          WHERE     [a].[BusStopId] = [b].[BusStopId]
                                    AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [a].1674995515, 120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [b].1674995515, 120)
                                    AND [b].1674995515 BETWEEN DATEADD(SECOND, -@stopWindowMinutes * 60,
                                                        AND     DATEADD(SECOND, @stopWindowMinutes * 60, [a].1674995515) -- w/i X minutes

                        ) [AvgStop]
              FROM      [test_data] a
              WHERE     CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), 1674995515, 120) = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), 1674995515, 120)
              GROUP BY  [a].[BusStopId]
            ) subset1

As is often the case, these kind of problems are easier to solve and maintain by breaking them into bite-sized pieces:

-- Split into Date and minutes-since-midnight
WITH observed(dates,arrival,busstop,bus) AS (
        CONVERT(CHAR(8), TimeStamp, 112),
        DATEPART(HOUR,TimeStamp) * 60 + DATEPART(MINUTE,TimeStamp),
-- Identify times at stop subsequent to arrival at that stop
atstop(dates,stoptime,busstop,bus) AS (
        observed a 
        EXISTS (
                observed b
                a.dates = b.dates AND
                a.busstop = b.busstop AND
                a.bus = b.bus AND
                a.arrival - b.arrival BETWEEN 1 AND 10
-- Isolate actual arrivals at stops, excluding waiting at stops
dailyhalts(dates,arrival,busstop,bus) AS (
        observed a 
        arrival NOT IN (
                atstop b 
                a.dates = b.dates AND
                a.busstop = b.busstop AND
                a.bus = b.bus 
-- Merge arrivals across all dates
timetable(busstop,bus,arrival) AS (
        a.busstop, a.bus, a.arrival
        dailyhalts a 
        NOT EXISTS (
                dailyhalts h 
                a.busstop = h.busstop AND
                a.bus = h.bus AND
                a.arrival - h.arrival BETWEEN 1 AND 10
        a.busstop, a.bus, a.arrival
-- Print timetable for a given day
    a.busstop, a.bus, a.arrival, DATEADD(minute,AVG(b.arrival),'2010/01/01')
    timetable a INNER JOIN
    observed b ON
        a.busstop = b.busstop AND
        a.bus = b.bus AND
        b.arrival BETWEEN a.arrival AND a.arrival + 10
    a.busstop, a.bus, a.arrival


ID  BusID   BusStopID   TimeStamp
1   1   1   2010-01-01 10:00:00.000
2   1   1   2010-01-01 10:01:00.000
3   1   1   2010-01-01 10:02:00.000
4   1   2   2010-01-01 11:00:00.000
5   1   3   2010-01-01 12:00:00.000
6   1   3   2010-01-01 12:01:00.000
7   1   3   2010-01-01 12:02:00.000
8   1   3   2010-01-01 12:03:00.000
9   1   1   2010-01-02 11:00:00.000
10  1   1   2010-01-02 11:03:00.000
11  1   1   2010-01-02 11:07:00.000
12  1   2   2010-01-02 12:00:00.000
13  1   3   2010-01-02 13:00:00.000
14  1   3   2010-01-02 13:01:00.000
15  1   1   2010-01-03 10:03:00.000
16  1   1   2010-01-03 10:05:00.000


busstop bus arrival (No column name)
1   1   600 2010-01-01 10:02:00.000
1   1   660 2010-01-01 11:03:00.000
2   1   660 2010-01-01 11:00:00.000
2   1   720 2010-01-01 12:00:00.000
3   1   720 2010-01-01 12:01:00.000
3   1   780 2010-01-01 13:00:00.000




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