How do I read from a StreamReader with a while loop in Visual Basic?
Dim line As String
Using readFile As New StreamReader(SalesUpdateFile)
While (line = readFile.ReadLine) IsNot Nothing
I am new to Visual Basic. And every time I run this code it gives me this error:
"IS" requires an operand that have a reference type
How can I fix this problem?
While Konamiman's answer is perfectly fine, I don't like to repeat myself and, thus, prefer the following pattern to avoid duplicating the call to ReadLine()
Dim line = reader.ReadLine()
If line Is Nothing Then Exit Do
' Process the line
You can't use an assignment as an expression in VB. Instead you should do something similar to this:
line = readFile.ReadLine
While (line IsNot Nothing)
'process the line
line = readFile.ReadLine
End While
The while loop you have in your code is an idiom specific to C#. Take a look at this example on MSDN for the VB.NET equivalent:
StreamReader Class
Dim line = reader.ReadLine()
' Process the line
Loop until line is Nothing