How to smoothly toggle border-width with jquery?
I'm trying to smoothly toggle the border-width of a span between 0 and 5. This is the code I have tried, developing in firefox
function anim()
When I try to go to 5px, it seems to work, but when I run the function again to animate back to 0, the border is set immediately to 0 and only the margin animates.
Seems to be a bug... I'm having the same problem, but noticed the following:
- FireFox (3): No animation back to 0
- Chrome: No animation back to 0
- Safari(winXP): No animation back to 0
- Opera (10): No problems. Animates nicely
- IE (8): No problems. Animates nicely
Going to investigate further...
-- EDIT --
Found the answer on ticket 7085
The borderWidth property is a shorthand property and returns a string that is a series of numbers separated by spaces. The .animate() method is only documented to animate properties that are numeric, such as borderLeftWidth.
I fixed my problem by animating to 0px like this:
borderLeftWidth: "0px",
borderTopWidth: "0px",
borderRightWidth: "0px",
borderBottomWidth: "0px"
}, 200);