
.Net Application Release Procedure and VSS

We have around 20 Application developers in our team.

All the application code is in the VSS.

Developers have their local copies and make changes and then check the files to VSS.

Team leads will look into the code and run it from their machines and if everything looks good they will move the code to QA Server.

QA after testing if approves all the files are checked and the release engineer will get latest version from VSS and compile and move the files to staging.

UAT will be done on the staging and if approved, 开发者_Python百科release engineer will copy all the files from staging and move it to Production.

Oflate we are having issues with this approach as developers checked-in some files in the VSS while it was going to staging that were not supposed to be released to staging.

We use VS.net 2008 as IDE we don't have team foundation server and Visual source safe is our Source control database.

Please do suggest how we can improve our release mechanism.


You can use labels in VSS - label releases and this way you can alway go back to a known state of code.

That is, suppose you are ready for some code to go into QA - at this moment, label the whole branch to a version numbers, say "Version 1.1".

When it is time to promote to UAT/Production, get all the items labeled "Version 1.1" - ensuring a consistent QA process with the exact same code.

When your next version of the code is ready for QA, label it "Version 1.2"... etc.. etc.. etc.

You will however need to decide how to deal with bug fixes.





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