
Similar jQuery functions not firing keyup() more than once

I have a few JavaScript functions that all look similar to me. but behave differently to how I want them to.

I would like another element to be updated with some text when the value of the input has been evaluated. However for code re-useability I would like to pass the element to be updated to the function, but when I do this the keyup() event will not fire when text is typed into the input box.

Why is this?

Here is the one that works, but I have so specify the element to be开发者_如何转开发 updated explicitly.

Keyup Working

         var val = $(this).val();
         if(val.length < 5){
             $("#inputFeedback").html("Less then 5 chars");
             $("#inputFeedback").html("More then 5 Chars!");

Here is what I would like to do but the keyup() event will not work on.

Keyup Not working

var validate = function(feedback){
   var val = $(this).val();
   if(val.length < 5){
       $(feedback).html("Less then 5 chars");
       $(feedback).html("More then 5 Chars!");


Note: I have also tried as arguments $(this) and "#inputfeedback" to no avail!

I have also tried to use classical JavaScript function foo(bar){ ... } type functions but this has the same effect as the last example above.

I am sure it is something I am not doing right or understanding here but after a good few hours of searching and reading I can't find anything to help me with this one!

You definitely can't do callbacks like that:


var validate = function(feedback){
  var val = $(this).val();

  if(val.length < 5){
    $(feedback).html("Less then 5 chars");
    $(feedback).html("More then 5 Chars!");

    validate.call(this, '#inputFeedback');


var validate = function(feedback){
  return function(){
    var val = $(this).val();

    if(val.length < 5){
      $(feedback).html("Less then 5 chars");
      $(feedback).html("More then 5 Chars!");


Try writing it this way:

var feedback=$("#inputFeedback");




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取 消

