
Job running ssis package gets error : 'The system cannot find the path specified'

I have an ssis package that uses excel files. I am using the Run As with an admin account.

when I call it from a batch file it runs fine

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe" /SQL "\SOME_SSIS_PACKAGE" /SERVER "MYSERVER,PORT" /DECRYPT "Password" /VALIDATE  /REPORTING E 

when I schedule it as a job, it fails with the er开发者_如何学Pythonror message : 'The system cannot find the path specified'

what path are you trying to find ?

the excel file path is accessed like this : \\server\folder\template.xls when I'm logged on the server and punch in the address \\server\folder\template.xls the file is found

Bear in mind that Sql Server agent jobs run in the context of the user running the SQL Server Agent service (which is not the same service as SQL server).

You can also define your job to be executed in the context of a proxy account

Actually, it is because the server calling the job doesn't have rights to the template.xls. The file resides on \ServerA but the ServerB calling the job may not be able to see it so check those rights.





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