Stripping html tags using php
How can i strip html tag except the content inside the pre tag
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="loginfos">asdasd</div>
While using strip_tags($content,'') the html inside the pre tag too stripped of. but i don't want the html inside pre stripped off
Try :
echo strip_tags($text, '<pre>');
You may do the following:
- Use preg_replace with 'e' modifier to replace contents of pre tags with some strings like @@@1@@@, @@@2@@@, etc. while storing this contents in some array
- Run strip_tags()
- Run preg_relace with 'e' modifier again to restore @@@1@@@, etc. into original contents.
A bit kludgy but should work.
$search = array ("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si","'<[/!]*?[^<>]*?>'si","'([rn])[s]+'","'&(quot|#34);'i","'&(amp|#38);'i","'&(lt|#60);'i","'&(gt|#62);'i","'&(nbsp|#160);'i","'&(iexcl|#161);'i","'&(cent|#162);'i","'&(pound|#163);'i","'&(copy|#169);'i","'&#(d+);'e");
$replace = array ("","","\1","\"","&","<",">"," ",chr(161),chr(162),chr(163),chr(169),"chr(\1)");
$text = preg_replace($search, $replace, $document);
echo $text;
$text = 'YOUR CODE HERE';
$org_text = $text;
// hide content within pre tags
$text = preg_replace( '/(<pre[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/pre>)/is', '$1@@@pre@@@$3', $text );
// filter content
$text = strip_tags( $text, '<pre>' );
// insert back content of pre tags
if ( preg_match_all( '/(<pre[^>]*>)(.*?)(<\/pre>)/is', $org_text, $parts ) ) {
foreach ( $parts[2] as $code ) {
$text = preg_replace( '/@@@pre@@@/', $code, $text, 1 );
print_r( $text );
Ok!, you leave nothing but one choice: Regular Expressions... Nobody likes 'em, but they sure get the job done. First, replace the problematic text with something weird, like this:
preg_replace("#<pre>(.+?)</pre>#", "||k||", $content);
This will effectively change your
<pre> blah, blah, bllah....</pre>
for something else, and then call
After that, you can just replace the original value in ||k||(or whatever you choose) and you'll get the desired result.
I think your content is not stored very well in the $content variable
could you check once by converting inner double quotes to single quotes
<div id='wrapper'>
<div id='loginfos'>asdasd</div>
strip_tags($content, '<pre>');
You may do the following:
Use preg_replace with 'e'
modifier to replace contents of pre tags with some strings like @@@1@@@
, @@@2@@@
, etc. while storing this contents in some array
Run strip_tags()
Run preg_relace with 'e'
modifier again to restore @@@1@@@
, etc. into original contents.
A bit kludgy but should work.
Could you please write full code. I understood, but something goes wrong. Please write full programming code