
Looking for an "example database" [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I'm currently working on a semantic web project to enrich web services with semantic meta information.

Therefore, I'm looking for another information source to gain more information (esp. examples, instances).

The problem: Given I have a label (like "zip code", "email address", "surname", "music instrument", ...), us there any good database that can give me at least one (good) example for these terms automatically? (like "music instrument" - "piano")

I'm currently using a combination of WordNet, DBpedia and the YAGO project - it works but there are often some difficulties using them - especially, when I need examples for numbers (like IP addresses).

Of course, I could use some manual lists to lookup an example for special cases (like IP address) but I would prefer a fully automated way.

Have you tried http://www.freebase.com ?

Here is what it returns for musical instrument. http://www.freebase.com/view/music/instrument





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