Generate nested list from filenames
I have a directory full of files with the naming convention of yyyymm.xml I need to generate a list like this:
My most recent attempt:
$tempYear = 0;
if ($handle = opendir('news')) {
// Open the news dir
echo "<p>News archive</p>";
echo "<ul>";
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
$fileDate = basename($file, ".xml");
$fileDate = $fileDate . "01";
// Strip the .xml extention from the filename
$currYear = date("Y", strtotime($fileDate));
$currMonth = date("F");
开发者_如何学编程 $archMonth = date("F", strtotime($fileDate));
//echo "<li>$archMonth</li>";
if ($currYear != $tempYear){
echo "<li>$currYear";
$tempYear = $currYear;
echo "<ul>";
while ($currMonth != $archMonth){
echo "<li>$archMonth</li>";
echo "</ul>";
echo "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
You could use something like this to split the filenames up:
$list = array();
foreach ($files as $filename) {
$year = intval(substr($filename, 0, 4));
$month = intval(substr($filename, 3, 2));
if (!is_array($list[$year])) {
$list[$year] = array();
$list[$year][] = $month;
Then you can list them like you need them:
if (!empty($list)) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($list as $year => $months) {
echo '<li>'.$year;
if (!empty($months)) {
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($months as $month) {
// you can add some magic here to display
// the month as text instead of a number.
echo '<li>'.$month.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
- Get a list of files in a directory
- Get portions of a string
- Arrays
Which part were you struggling on?
Essentially, you want to get a list of the files, loop over them and parse them into year and month, then you can stuff them in an array something like this:
$array[year][] = month;
This way you have an array which contains a list of years, each containing an array of months. Then go over that data structure to output your HTML.
I hope you don't expect people to just do your work for you. Work on this then when you encounter a specific problem, ask for help.
Edit: Looping the above structure
You've essentially got an array of arrays if you do as I've hinted at above. Your array structure would look like this:
$array['2010'] = array('jan','mar','sep');
$array['2009'] = array('feb','sep','oct');
To loop over this array
foreach($array as $key => $months) {
echo "year: $key\n";
foreach($months as $month) {
echo "$month\n";
Which would output:
Sprinkle in HTML as needed.
$dir = '.';
* find the files and store them in array
if(is_dir($dir)) {
if($dh = opendir($dir)) {
$menutree = array();
while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
// check if filename is correct
if(strlen($file) == 10 && strtolower(substr($file, -3)) == 'xml') {
$menuTree[substr($file, 0, 4)][substr($file, 4, 2)] = $file;
* build the tree
if(is_array($menuTree) && count($menuTree) > 0) {
// sort
foreach($menuTree as $year => $months) {
// define months
$monthsWords = array(
// echo html
echo('<ul>' . "\n");
foreach($menuTree as $year => $months) {
echo("\t" . '<li>' . $year . "\n");
echo("\t\t" . '<ul>' . "\n");
foreach($months as $month => $filename) {
echo("\t\t\t" . '<li>' . $monthsWords[(int) $month - 1] . '</li>' . "\n");
echo("\t\t" . '</ul>' . "\n");
echo("\t" . '</li>');
echo('</ul>' . "\n");
Quick and dirty... ;-). There are a lot of things that have to be improved...
On base of that you should be able to build what you need.