
animateWithDuration not available

i started a project with the iOS SDK 4.0 and want to use blocks in order to animate some UIViews. But after I recogized that "animateWithDuration" isn't available i updated my XCode and iOS SDK to 4.2. In my project I set the "base sdk" to 4.2, too.

I thought that might solve the problem. But XCode still co开发者_如何转开发mplains about the missing method. Is this method not available for simulator builds? Or what do I have to do in oder to activate it?

Thx. kie

Look in the project build settings for the Deployment Target setting. This is the lowest version of the SDK that you're interested in supporting. If it's lower than 4.0 then all of the pre-4.0 methods will be stripped out by the compiler (since they won't be available on the devices you're planning to deploy to). Try setting it to 4.0 or later; that should help.





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