A More elegant way of doing this?
I keep saying to myself there must be a better way but I can't see it right now.. ideas?
i = 0; lose = 0; win = 0
while i < @array.size
results = @array[i].results
q = 0
while q < results.size
if results[q].to_i == 0 then
lose += 1
elsif results[q].to开发者_开发知识库_i == 1 then
win += 1
puts results[q]
puts "false"
q += 1
if win == lose then
puts "true"
puts "false"
You can use array.each
instead of while loops.
You can use array.count
instead of manually inspecting each array:
lose = results.count { |r| r.to_i == 0 }
win = results.count { |r| r.to_i == 1 }
# or possibly if the array can only contain wins and losses
win = results.count - lose
f = @array.flatten
puts (f.count('0') == f.count('1'))
puts f-%w{0 1}
Provided you only have 0 and 1 in your arrays, you could in theory simply add up the values of all .to_i entries, then check if this value is exactly half of the total number of entries in your arrays. Its hard to say if there's a better way of doing this without knowing more information. Are win and lose counts used anywhere afterwards? Is this a function that returns right away or is this embedded in a larger function? Are all your results array exactly the same size? Cheers and happy coding!
Splitting an array in two parts according to some test can be done using Enumerable#partition:
win, lose = results.partition {|r| r.to_i == 1}.map(&:size)