
jQuery ajax cache disabling not working?

I'm developing a Firefox extension that uses an ajax-request to retrieve information. This is the code:

        url: "" + new Date().getTime(),
        beforeSend: function(request) { request.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", "Group"); },         
        async: false,
        cache: false,
        type: "POST",   
        dataType: "xml",
        data: req,
        contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"",
        success: funct开发者_StackOverflow中文版ion (data, textStatus, xmlHttpRequest) {
        out = $(xmlHttpRequest.responseXML);

I still get the same result, when the data that is sent to the server is changed. I tried to avoid that by adding "new Date().getTime()" to the URL and "cache: false". This doesn't seem to work. After restarting the browser, I get the correct results.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem is? Is there some kind of session-handling, so the server still gives back the old response?

Edit: I did a lot of testing and debugging and I think I found the problem: there is a cookie saved with every ajax-request that contains a session-id, so every time I do the request again, the server sends data of the session with the session-id in the cookie. Really bad behavior, I didn't know that cookies could be created through an ajax-request. So everything I have to do to fix the problem is a function that deletes this cookie every time my parameters are changed. Thanks for your help again.

Can you try this

$(document).ready(function() {
  $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

try toger with Math.random() to be on safer side

Date().getTime() together with Math.random()" + new Date().getTime() + Math.random()

Try an ampersand before the timestamp:" + new Date().getTime()

I guess the wsdl-parameter makes sense there inside the url, without the ampersand you destroy the parameter.





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