Struts 1.x tags usage question
I have a jsp page with the tags:
<logic:iterate id="var" ...
<bean:write name="var" property="p1" ...
And I need, on each iteration, to generate a href composed from the various bean's properties. I even need to URLEncode some of them so the link works.
Something like
<logic:iterate i开发者_JAVA技巧d="var" ...
<html:link action="
<bean:write name="var" property="p1" ...
where X is generated by collecting the bean's properties; something like
String X="p1="+URLEncode(p1)+"&p2="+SimpleDateFormatof(p2)+"&p3="+p3;
How can I do that ?
Thanks in advance.
Better to make one POJO class.
1. Assign all your values to the object in Action which is being called before your jsp page comes in the picture.
2. Keep the object of POJO to request attribute.
3. Get the value from request attribtue on JSP using <bean:write>