
Issues instaling MIME::Lite via CPAN on Mac OS X

I am trying to install MIME::Lite using CPAN via Mac OS X Leopard and CPAN just keeps reporting back the following message:

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9304)  
ReadLine support enabled

cpan[1]> install MIME-Lite  
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.21)
Going to read /private/var/root/Library/Application Support/.cpan/Metadata  
    Database was generated on Mon, 09 Nov 2009 03:28:开发者_开发技巧37 GMT  
Warning: Cannot install MIME-Lite, don't know what it is.  
Try the command  

    i /MIME-Lite/  

to find objects with matching identifiers.  
CPAN: Time::HiRes loaded ok (v1.86)  

cpan[2]> i /MIME-Lite/  
Distribution    ALIAN/MIME-Lite-HTML-1.23.tar.gz  
Distribution    CHUNZI/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.04.tar.gz  
Distribution    HORIUCHI/MIME-Lite-TT-0.02.tar.gz  
Distribution    HORIUCHI/MIME-Lite-TT-Japanese-0.08.tar.gz  
Distribution    RJBS/MIME-Lite-3.027.tar.gz  
Distribution    TYPESTER/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-Japanese-0.05.tar.gz  
6 items found

Does anyone know how I can resolve this?

Try install MIME::Lite. It should search by package name instead of file name.

At the command line, just tell cpan which module to install:

 cpan MIME::Lite

You were giving it part of a distribution name.

As you can see, there is more than one distribution matching "MIME-Lite". You can install the specific distribution you want by referring to it by name (e.g. install RJBS/MIME-Lite), but just install MIME::Lite should work as well.

1) Open terminal

2) Type sudo CPAN

3) Type install Module::name e.g, install MIME::Lite

It will install MIME::Lite module for you.





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