
Gridview Row Delete

I am having a Gridview. I had placed a delete button in the last column of the row. whenever i click the delete button, the particular row should be deleted from the grid and also from the database. Here is my aspx code

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function DeleteEmployeeDeta开发者_StackOverflowils(roleId) 
   if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this role?')) 
 $.get("DeactivateRole?roleId=" + roleId,
 function () 
     $('#row' + roleId).remove(); 
     $('#button' + roleId).parent().parent().remove(); 
}    function loadRoleList()
    $.ajaxSettings.cache = false;
    $.get(roleListActionUrl, roleList_callBack);

//This method is used to render the role details in the role List div
function roleList_callBack(data) {
    data = data + '<div id="AddRole"></div>';

This is my controller

 public ActionResult DeactivateRole(string roleId)
       // What should i do here for Row Delete 
       return View();

When I do something similar with AJAX I do two things:

  1. Delete in database
  2. Delete the row using javascript on callback e.g.

    function DeleteEmployeeDetails(roleId) { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this role?')) { $.get("DeactivateRole?roleId=" + roleId, function() {

       $('#row' + roleId).remove(); //Grab the row and delete it
       //If you don't have specific Id's for every row but your button does you could use the $.parent() function.
       $('#button'+roleId).parent().parent().remove(); //This finds the parent of the parent of the button and removes it. You can use as many parents as you'd like until you get a hold on the actual row, though this isn't always recommended due to if you change the design in some way your parent might not be correct. 


If the delete succeeds in your database the row disappears instantly and you don't have to reload all the data from the database.

How you delete a row in your database depends on which framework you use. If you use ADO.NET Entity Framework you could do something like this:

public ActionResult DeactivateRole(string roleId) {

   My_Namespace.Models.DataContext dc = new My_Namespace.Models.DataContext();

   dc.DeleteObject(dc.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ID == roleId)); 

   return View();

The DeleteObject() method takes an actual database-entity-object as argument which it uses to delete the corresponding entry in you database.

The argument I use(dc.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ID == roleId)) gets the object from the database Roles-table.





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