Time - hour minute manipulation
Is there an API to quickly manipulate (e.g. add, subtract) on time (hour, minute).
Pseudo code is listed below
Time t1 = "5 PM";
t1.add(开发者_如何学JAVA"5 minutes");
t1.subtract("90 minutes");
'course there is: http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/Calendar.html#add%28int,%20int%29
You'll have to set the field
parameter appropriately with one of the constants defined in the Field Summary section of the above page
The standard date-time library of Java SE 8 is rich with all such features.
Note: Quoted below is a notice at the Home Page of Joda-Time:
Note that from Java SE 8 onwards, users are asked to migrate to java.time (JSR-310) - a core part of the JDK which replaces this project.
Given below is a demo of such features using java.time
, the modern API:
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.util.Locale;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(17, 30);
time = time.plusMinutes(5);
time = time.minusMinutes(90);
// Parsing and formatting
DateTimeFormatter dtfInput = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
.appendPattern("h[:m[:s]] a") // Optional fields in square bracket
.parseCaseInsensitive() // Case-insensitive (AM/am/Am etc.)
time = LocalTime.parse("5 PM", dtfInput);
// Dealing with timezone?
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.now().with(time);
// Custom format
DateTimeFormatter timeAndZone12HourFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("hh:mm:ss a'['VV']'");
DateTimeFormatter timeAndZone24HourFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss'['VV']'");
// Adding/subtracting ISO 8601 Duration
Duration duration = Duration.parse("PT2H30M"); // 2 hours 30 minutes
zdt = zdt.plus(duration);
Learn more about java.time
, the modern date-time API* from Trail: Date Time.
* For any reason, if you have to stick to Java 6 or Java 7, you can use ThreeTen-Backport which backports most of the java.time functionality to Java 6 & 7. If you are working for an Android project and your Android API level is still not compliant with Java-8, check Java 8+ APIs available through desugaring and How to use ThreeTenABP in Android Project.