How do I track the route to my destination page from various 301s?
Simple question for someone who might know, the most difficult thing in the world for me:
There's this url:开发者_Go百科436588
It's an affiliate url (I'm not trying to get you to buy anything ;) )
Now when I click search, it takes me to an intermediary page, which then sends parameters to lastminute to open the destination page.
The second page goes so quickly that I cannot view it or anyhow read it's source code. How do I track the page and parameters sent?
You could use a packet sniffer such as Wireshark or a browser add-on that monitors network traffic, to capture every request that gets send and every page that gets received.
Well, I wrote a little python to find out.
import urllib
def make_request(url, method='GET'):
protocol, hostpath = urllib.splittype(url)
if hostpath[:2] != '//':
hostpath = '//' + hostpath
host, path = urllib.splithost(hostpath)
if len(path.strip()) == 0 or path[0] != '/':
path = '/' + path
query = "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n"%(method, path, host)
if protocol != 'http' and protocol is not None:
raise ValueError, 'Invalid protocol specified. http only'
addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 80)
return (addresses, query)
def do_request(addresses, query):
sock_type = addresses[0][:3]
addr = addresses[0][4]
connection = socket.socket(*sock_type)
return connection
def urlpeek(url):
return do_request(*make_request(url))
When I perform a peek on the address you give, it looks like the server is actually returning a 200 OK response, which consists mainly of javascript...