
Is there Swing component that will automatically format XML?

I am looking for Java Swing component, that will automatically format my messy XML (in one line, see example):


etc. etc.

Its not very nice to see like billion lines long line :) And I hope there is some component, that'l开发者_开发问答l do the dirty work for me. Thankx

Edit: I get XML input as plain string from database, so there is no real XML doc for me :(

You don't need to rely on a Swing component to do the formatting. You can try pretty printing your XML and set the formatted output directly in your component. This has been asked before.

Suggest you use a Java-based DOM. We use XOM (in which case use serializer()) to get the format that you require in a text string, and then repaint your component.

Also see examples in: How to pretty print XML from Java?

Parse the string into the DOM. For example:

Document doc = new Builder().build(new StringReader(yourXML));

to get the outputStream use

os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

then use the serializer to produce text:

Serializer serializer = new Serializer(os);
serializer.setTheFormatYouWant(... several options in the class ...);

and then





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