need help with haskell expression (Not in scope compiler error)
Hi I have the following code
expression :: String → Maybe Expr
expression s = case parse expr s' of
Just (a,"") → Just a
_ → Nothing
where s' = filter (λx → x ≠ ' ') s
expr, term, factor, num, sin', cos' :: Parser Expr
num = dbl' +++ int'
expr = chain term '+' Add
ter开发者_运维知识库m = chain factor '*' Mul
func = sin' +++ cos'
var' = do
char 'x'
return (Var "x")
int' = do n ← int
return (Num (fromIntegral n))
dbl' = do n ← int
char '.'
n' ← oneOrMore number
let c = ((show n) ⊕ "." ⊕ n')
return (Dbl (read c))
sin' = do char 's'
char 'i'
char 'n'
e ← factor
return (Sin e)
And the compiler says that the following is not in scope "chain", "int" "number"
Why are the compiler complaining on these commands, isn't chain, int and number well known names?
If you where to use the following parser, how would you solve the problem?
module Parsing
( Parser,parse,
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
-- Basic Parsers, dependent on internal structure --
-- success and fail
failure = P $ \s -> Nothing
success a = P $ \s -> Just (a,s)
-- Parse any single character
item = P $ \s -> case s of
[] -> Nothing
(c:cs) -> Just (c,cs)
-- (+++) parse either using p or else using q
infixr 5 +++
(+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p +++ q = P $ \s -> listToMaybe [ x | Just x <- [parse p s, parse q s]]
-- (p >*> f) parse using p to produce a.
-- Then parse using f a
infixl 1 >*>
(>*>) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
p >*> f = P $ \s ->
case parse p s of
Just(a,s') -> parse (f a) s'
_ -> Nothing
-- pmap modifies the result of a parser
pmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
pmap f p = p >*> success . f
p >-> q = p >*> \_ -> q -- equivalent to monadic op: >>
p <-< q = p >*> \a -> q >-> success a
(<:>):: Parser a -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a]
p <:> q = p >*> \a -> pmap (a:) q
(What version of parsec are you using?)
There's no chain
, int
, or number
provided by Parsec 2.x or Parsec 3.x, though these would be simple to write.
chain term op cons = sepBy1 expr (char op) >>= return . foldr1 cons
int = many1 digit >>= return . read
number = digit
(Untested, and I'm just guessing at the intent of your code.)
Cute little parser combinator library there. Is this homework or something?
punva grez bc pbaf = cznc (sbyqe1 pbaf) $ grez <:> mrebBeZber (pune bc >-> grez)
vag = cznc ernq $ barBeZber qvtvg
It seems that you are using some sort of parsing library like Parsec, or the parser module from "programming in Haskell." You need to import the one you are using.