
XML Serialization of Object with other object inside .net

I'm trying to XML-serialize a class the properties of which I use to format a document.

Basically, it is a class for the document's header and another class for its rows.

Class diagram:

XML Serialization of Object with other object inside .net

In this class diagram, the class I want to serialize is ExcelPrintCorte that inherits its methods from ExcelCabec and has a private member ExcelPrintDocumento (and a public method to get it).

My purpose is to XML-serialize ExcelPrint开发者_开发技巧Corte and save the inherited properties' values and also the properties' values of ExcelPrintDocumento. I followed many guides to XML-serialize an object but it saves nothing but:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExcelPrintCorte xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" />

So, what am I doing wrong? Or is what I'm trying to do not possible with XML serialization?

Impossible to tell without code, but:

  • the properties (or less commonly, fields) you want to serialize must be public
  • the properties (blah) must be mutable, i.e. not get-only or readonly
  • anything marked [XmlIgnore] is ignored, and a few other rules like [DefaultValue], ShouldSerialize{foo} etc are observed

Those are the rules that would stop anything showing; other errors that would cause exceptions (check the inner-exceptions etc):

  • not public (including any containing types)
  • no public parameterless constructor (including: must be concrete)
  • unexpected sub-types (i.e. not previously advertised with [XmlInclude])
  • some member-types; object, dictionaries, lists without an obvious Add, etc




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