
SliderExtender with BehaviorID is not rendered after pageLoad(), but work after postback

I'm using a asp.net slider inside an UpdatePanel within a page control.

I assign a behaviorID and call it using $find(behaviorID) in both $(document).ready and Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequestfunctions inside a 开发者_如何学CJavaScript located in the bottom of the page.

The JavaScript function on the slider doesn't work after page_initial. It fails to find the slider in JavaScript, i.e. $find(behaviorID) = null. while other JavaScript functions set in the $(document).ready does work. However, I can view slider's rail and drag it.

But when I do any postback on the page with other controls , the slider works smoothly! It generate additional tags with <... Class= ...Behavior_ID>

and the JS which is used to generate Slider and its Event in source code looks like:

Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
    $create(AjaxControlToolkit.SliderBehavior, {"Length":410,"Maximum":100,"Minimum":-100,"TooltipText":"Adjust Target","id":"targetSlider_JS"}, null, null, $get("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder3_Target1_txtSlider"));

The page is in 'content' of a MasterPage. I guess it doesn't render the slider correctly when page-init, need some server side setting for slider?


I had the same problem that was intermittent. Sometime it was null and other times was fine. I added a small setTimeout of 100ms to delay a call to $find and it works now.

didn't find solution.

used jquery slider instead.





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