How to convert a binary string to an integer or a float?
I have binary strings in the form of either:
I do not know before hand whether it will be a float or integer.
I tried doing a check to see if it is an integer. This does not work since it is binary. I alos tried converting binary to list, then check if int or float. I did not have much success with that.
It needs to be a function such as:
bin开发者_运维技巧ToNumber(Bin) ->
%% Find if int or float
Anyone have a good idea of how to do this?
No quick way to do it. Use something like this instead:
bin_to_num(Bin) ->
N = binary_to_list(Bin),
case string:to_float(N) of
{error,no_float} -> list_to_integer(N);
{F,_Rest} -> F
This should convert the binary to a list (string), then try to fit it in a float. When that can't be done, we return an integer. Otherwise, we keep the float and return that.
This is the pattern that we use:
binary_to_number(B) ->
list_to_number(L) ->
try list_to_float(L)
error:badarg ->
Intermediate conversion to list is unnecessary since Erlang/OTP R16B:
-spec binary_to_number(binary()) -> float() | integer().
binary_to_number(B) ->
try binary_to_float(B)
error:badarg -> binary_to_integer(B)
The binary_to_term
function and its counterpart term_to_binary
would probably serve you well.