PHP: XML parsing question
I'm using SimpleXML for parsing XMl documents. I need to be able to read/update node attributes.
In this XML document
How can I read/update all key nodes? the document doesn't have a specific structure, so I need to be able to find them without knowing their position. Let's say I want to multiply by 2 the numbers in the key nodes. How can I do it?
I find the question extremely lazy, but anyway
$sxe = new SimpleXmlElement($xml);
foreach($sxe->xpath('//key') as $key) $key[0] *= 2;
echo $sxe->asXML();
There is plenty of questions about SimpleXml on Stack Overflow. Please search for them before asking your question. The PHP Manual also has examples covering Basic Usage.
$xml = '<root>
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
foreach ($xpath->query('//text()') as $node)
$newNode = $dom->createDocumentFragment();
$newNode->appendXML($node->wholeText . ' replaced');
$node->parentNode->replaceChild($newNode, $node);
echo $dom->saveXML();
The simplest possible API is QueryPath (or phpQuery):
$qp = qp($xml);
foreach ($qp->find("key") as $key) {
//@todo: add verification that it's indeed numeric text
$key->text( $key->text() * 2 );
But something similar is possible with "SimpleXML"