
Using reflection to create instance when using xmlbeans

I've got a xsd file with over 100 types defined in it. I generated java code with xmlbeans binding, and then I can use


to get the class instance. But since there are too many types I've decide to use reflection to get create instances for each type.

I can now get the class(interface) of MyType using

Class clz = Class.forName("com.foo.MyType");

But have no idea of how to get the Factory class defined in the MyType interface and then get the new instance.

Any comment or hint is apprec开发者_Go百科iated. Thanks in advance.

you have to use the binary name to refer to inner classes: com.foo.MyType$Factory

So, you have an inner class Factory declared inside your interface MyType? If I have that right, and if Factory is the only member class declared by `MyType', and if I understand what you're looking for, then the following should work.

clz.getDeclaredClasses( )[0].newInstance( );

Edit: Tested my answer out, and it works. I wasn't aware of the technique Pangea mentioned, but that works, too, and it's better than my answer. The code would look like this.

Class.forName("MyType$Factory").newInstance( );




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