Clickable link inside a text control like RichTextControl in WPF?
I want to be able to have some text clickable like in webpages in WPF. The control should have both non-functional text (for display) both also some of its parts as completely clickable.
Say like Wikipedia.
But this is an independent standalone offline app.
I tried various things but I couldn't do it, especially the clicking doesn't function like web pages, i.e. 1 click to open the url contained within开发者_如何学C the tools.
If you don't have a requirement that it be a full-blown FlowDocument, then you can just use a plain old WPF TextBlock, and put Hyperlinks in it.
Here's some text with a
<Hyperlink NavigateUri="Page2.xaml">link to another XAML page</Hyperlink>
and a
<Hyperlink NavigateUri="">link to the
If you need scrolling, just put a ScrollViewer around it.
If you need the paginated, multi-column viewer, then you'll need to go with an all-out FlowDocument, but if all you want is text with hyperlinks, TextBlock + Hyperlink should be all you need.
you should try setting the flow document manually and creating hyperlinks within the flow document...
Here is some text taken from the following link:
" Hi,
It is possible. Here is a small example of creating hyperlink to paragraph/section/table.
In order to navigate to website, we can create a Frame Control for navigation. The hierarchical relationship of elements in this example is like this :
In the code behind:
public Window1()
// add a Frame for navigation
Frame frame = new Frame();
this.Content = frame;
//add FlowDocument
FlowDocument doc = new FlowDocument();
//add Table
Table table = new Table();
doc.Blocks.Add(table );
TableRowGroup group = new TableRowGroup();
table.RowGroups.Add(group );
TableColumn col1 = new TableColumn();
TableColumn col2 = new TableColumn();
table.Columns.Add(col1 );
TableRow row1 = new TableRow();
TableCell cel1 = new TableCell();
//add Section
Section mySection = new Section();
//add section to the Table cell.
Paragraph paraValue = new Paragraph();
Hyperlink hl = new Hyperlink(new Run("Click Here to Google"));
hl.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
hl.FontSize = 11;
hl .NavigateUri =new Uri ("Http://");
If you have any additional question about this,please feel free to ask.
Thanks. "