
Current Location displayed at false on-screen coordinates

I'm just trying to make sense of a basic Android navigation-related question, namely "How can I display the current location". I've used a bit of code from articles and tutorials from my long googling sessions. The display of a simple overlay (circle + text message) is works, yet at a wrong on-screen position (on the Equator apparently).

My code setup includes a small inner class that implements LocationListener, and its onLocationChanged event handler calls this method :

protected void createAndShowCustomOverlay(Location newLocation) 
  double lat = newLocation.getLatitude();
  double lng = newLocation.getLongitude();

  // geoPointFromLatLng is an E6 converter :
  // return new GeoPoint((int) (pLat * 1E6), (int) (pLng * 1E6));  
  GeoPoint geopoint = GeoFunctions.geoPointFromLatLng(lat, lng);

  CustomOverlay overlay = new CustomOverlay(geopoint);



Up to this point, it all looks ok, I've debugged around and the non-transformed lat/lng pair is ok, the E6 variant thereof ok as well. Here is the CustomOverlay class :

public class CustomOverlay extends Overlay 

  private static final int CIRCLERADIUS = 2;
  private GeoPoint geopoint;

  public CustomOverlay(GeoPoint point) 
    geopoint = point;

  public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) 
    // Transfrom geoposition to Point on canvas
    Projection projection = mapView.getProjection();
    Point point = new Point();
    projection.toPixels(geopoint, point);

    // background
    Paint background = new Paint();
    RectF rect = new RectF();
    rect.set(point.x + 2 * CIRCLERADIUS, point.y - 4 * CIRCLERADIUS,
       point.x + 90, point.y + 12);

    // text "My Location"
    Paint text = new Paint();

     // the circle to mark the spot
     Paint circle = new Paint();

     canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, 2, 2, background);
     canvas.drawCircle(point.x, point.y, CIRCLERADIUS, circle);
     canvas.drawText("My Location", point.x + 3 * CIRCLERADIUS, point.y + 3
                     * CIRCLERADIUS, text);

It's most definitely a projection error of sorts, since all my geo fix'd coords end up on the Equator, so there are some 0.0 values getting thrown around.

I can provide other details if needed, I'm running the code on the emulator, Maps API Level 8 (Android 2.2) and I get tiles and the CustomOverlay (circle + text) gets displayed, only at a really false position (coords such as 54.foo and 8.bar are way off).

The codebase could be a bit older, then perhaps a projection such as toPixels isn't required anymore ? No idea.

Thanks in advance !

Solved, turns out the "geo fix" command sent via telnet wants a (Lng, Lat) pair, not a (Lat, Lng) pair. Inconsistency at its best ! Thanks for the input.

If you only want to show current location and keep it updating with a small blinking circule on the screen like Google Maps for Android does, then Android has a default implementation of this feature.

    MyLocationOverlay myLocationOverlay = new MyLocationOverlay(context, mapView);

That's it Android will handle everything.





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