Typo3 external typoscript editor? [closed]
Can anyone recommend an external text editor for Typo3 that handles typoscript color coding breakdowns and auto-suggests for code completion?
jEdit with the TypoScript plugin is the best available choice, to the best of my knowledge.
You might also be interested in this DEV3 project. TYPO3 editing for Eclipse. I expect it to grow further in the future, so maybe it's not the best option right now, but soon might be.
If you are on a Mac... Textmate with the TS bundle is pretty good, too.
I use NB-IDE PHP edition from www.netbeans.org with TYPO3 plugin best solution for me! cheers
If you are on a Windows, you can use PSPad with the sweeTS plugin.
Also for TextMate, consider the Cast Iron Coding tm.bundle...
Notepad++ has a userLanguage as well: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2839067&group_id=95717&atid=612385