
XML layout editor

I'm new to android programming, but one thing that I can't seem to get down is writing the XML files. I use a program called droiddraw to help generate the xml code. This program is very simple because it lets me add buttons and DRAG them where I want them. Once I get the screen/form (or whatever it's called) setup the say I like开发者_JAVA百科, it will generate the the xml file for me. My question is this: "Does eclipse have a plugin that will do that too?" I know that I can view the form/screen that I can designing, and add buttons and such, but I can't drag them to where I want them. I always have to edit the layout values manually.

The xml layout editor that ships with Eclipse is pretty woeful. Thankfully Google are putting effort into improving this so that we have a more seamless drag n drop experience. You can download and compile the latest works here http://tornorbye.blogspot.com/2010/11/building-android-ide-tools.html

or just wait a week (or two) for Gingerbread to be released. A stable version is sure to be included in the Eclipse ADT update that is released then.

ADT is nicely integrated into Eclipse for Android development.





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