
Working days (Mon-Fri) in PHP

Is there a way to use strtotime开发者_运维知识库 to add working days (Monday to Friday) to a date? Or some other method? What I want to do is:

date ( 'Y-m-j' , strtotime ( '+3 working days' ) )

If you are limiting to weekdays use the string weekdays.

echo date ( 'Y-m-j' , strtotime ( '3 weekdays' ) );

This should jump you ahead by 3 weekdays, so if it is Thursday it will add the additional weekend time.

Source: http://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.relative.php

I have found this buggy when needing a larger amount of weekdays. I was looking for X amount of business days after the 1st of the current month.

Looked great at first until after adding > 5 business days (similar to what @zerkms found).

This has proved more accurate for me.

    function _getBusinessDayOfMonth( $days ) { 
        $time = strtotime(date("m/1/Y 00:00")); //finding # of business days after 1st of the month
        $i = 0; //start with zero
        while ($i < $days) { //loop through until reached the amount of weekdays
            $time = strtotime("+1 day", $time); //Increase day by 1
            if (date("N", $time) < 6) { //test if M-F
                $i++; //Increase by 1
        echo date("m/d/Y", $time);

For PHP >= 5.6

public function addWorkingDays($date, $day)

    if (!($date instanceof \DateTime) || is_string($date)) {
        $date = new \DateTime($date);

    if ($date instanceof \DateTime) {
        $newDate = clone $date;

    if ($day == 0) {
        return $newDate;

    $i = 1;

    while ($i <= abs($day)) {

        $newDate->modify(($day > 0 ? ' +' : ' -') . '1 day');

        $next_day_number = $newDate->format('N');

        if (!in_array($next_day_number, [6, 7])) {


    return $newDate;


You can do this too:

echo date_create()->modify("+3 weekdays")->format("Y-m-d");




I think a function can be easily developed that you can just export current day no of the week and you can add two and mod of 5 will give you easily weekday.

function increaseWorkDay($workDayToProcess, $dayToAdd){
    if($workDayToProcess >= 4 && $workDayToProcess <= 6){
        $workDayToProcess= 4;
    $workDayToProcess+= $dayToAdd;

    return $workDayToProcess % 5;

And you can export the weekday name by using an array, this method can alternatively be used.

I do it recursively, worked for me

function add_work_days($date, $day){
    if($day == 0)
        return $date;

    $date->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));

    if(!in_array($date->format('N'), array('6', '7')))

    return add_work_days($date, $day);

$date  = add_work_days(new DateTime(), 3);
echo $date->format('d/m/Y');

For older versions of PHP < 5.3

function AddWorkingDays($startDate, $adddays)
  $retdate = $startDate;
  $sign = "+";
  if($adddays < 0){
    $adddays = $adddays*-1;
    $sign = "-";
  while ($adddays > 0) {
    $retdate = date ( 'Y-m-d' , strtotime ( "$retdate {$sign}1 day" ) );

      $what_day = date("N", strtotime($retdate));
      if ( $what_day != 6 && $what_day != 7 ) // 6 and 7 are weekend


  return $retdate;





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取 消

