
Send a multi dimensional array via $.post using jquery

I have a global variable I'm using to store a bunch of information in a project I'm working on. It is an object with various values and I guess other objects in it. For example...

$.myVar {
    currentProj : "Project 1",
    allProjs : [],
    toggleVar : 0

Now as the program runs and I do things, I'm actually adding arrays within allProjs. I want to use the array index as the name of the project, and then it contains a bunch of information. Here is a sample of what the object looks like after running the program for a few minutes.

(copied from Chrome's console):

    currentProj: "McB2"
    toggleVar: 0
    allProjs: Array[0]
        McB1: Array[0]
            length: 0
            __proto__: Array[0]
        McB2: Array[4]
            0: "02070124"
            1: "02030036"
            2: "02090313"
            3: "02090450"
            length: 4

Now I want to pass this data to a PHP file using $.post so I can convert it to JSON and save it on the server.

I do this basically by just running:

$.post('saveJSON.php', $.myVar, function(data) {

For debugging I've got the PHP file just outputting:


Now I would expect a multi-dimensional array that I could convert to JSON and then save, but all it is spitting out is:

Array ( [currentProj] => McB2 [toggelVar] => 0 )

So I can see that it's not sending the the allProj section of the object, but I'm not sure why! It does seem to show up when I look at the object in the console, so I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Any help is appreciated.



The first section, where I declare allProjs, is it possible I'm doing something wrong there? When I run Stringify, I end up with a similarly wrong result:


You need to .stringify the object / array into a JSON string. All "modern" browsers do support this natively with JSON.stringify(obj). If you need to support "older" browser version aswell, you need to go to http://www.json.org and download the json2.js lib which offers the same functionality.

The other way around, if you want to receive a JSONized string from a server, you need to either tell jQuery that you're expecting a json string by passing 'json' into your $.post() call, or you need to parse the received data yourself by again accessing the JSON object. JSON.parse(json_string) will return a Javascript object from a passed in JSON string.

Figured out my problem. When I was declaring the object originally I was making allProj and Array by putting in []. If I put it in as allProj : {}, then it works perfectly! Thanks for the suggestions, helped narrow down my mistake.


I believe you must first convert your array to the JSON format before posting to PHP.

This is the method I have used in the past:

var jsonOb = JSON.stringify(yourArray);

//your success response

Hope this does the trick brother!






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