execCommand behavior in IE : CLEditor image overwrite problem
I am using CLEditor in my site and I am facing a problem when using it with IE. The problem is: When you insert image and place it in the editor then insert another image , it will overwrite the prevoius one. With Firefox it will place the new one beside the prevoius one. I contacted the CLEditor and he told me this is a browser sprecific issue. He adivse me to make a work around by checking for IE then collapse the current range to its end using TextRange.collapse() method after the image have been inserted. I tried to make this soultion but I am not expert with Javascript to make it works. I need your help to make it working.
This is the code for inserting the image to the editor area:
.bind(CLICK, function() {
// Insert the image or link if a url was entered
var $text = $popup.find(":text"),
url = $.trim($text.val());
if (url !== "")
execCommand(editor, data.command, url, null, data.button);
// Reset the text, hide the popup and set focus
This is the solution for this problem. It take three days to solve this because I am not JavaScript expert. I hope this will help.
.bind(CLICK, function() {
// Insert the image or link if a url was entered
var $text = $popup.find(":text"),
url = $.trim($text.val());
if (url !== "")
execCommand(editor, data.command, url, null, data.button);
// Reset the text, hide the popup and set focus
if ($.browser.msie) {
var editorvalue=editor.$frame[0].contentWindow;
var pos = editorvalue.document.body.innerHTML.length;
var textRange = editorvalue.document.body.createTextRange();
textRange.moveEnd("character", pos);
textRange.moveStart("character", pos);